Use case: First touch
How to use it:
The Observation contains three steps. It’s a one or two-sentence email.
- Make an observation: One sentence that shows you know your reader. Use your personalization research.
- Share a problem or insight: One relevant sentence that implies a pain point or value prop. It should be related to your observation.
- Build credibility: Speak to the challenge you’re solving and how you’ve helped solve this for other customers.
- Share a solution: Explain what you did to solve this problem in one sentence.
- Call-to-conversation (CTC): End with a question or interest-based CTA (call to action). Your primary goal is to start a conversation.
I saw you're hiring AEs. I imagine you're thinking about how fast they can ramp.
Typically*, we see companies use outdated in-house knowledge management databases. The reps typically ramp slower with this approach.*
We’re helping AEs ramp faster at Snowflake. We’ve cut their average time to first sale in half for new AEs.
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