Build sales and revenue growth targets that are real, actionable, and achievable


Define both historical and go-forward target sales


Break sales targets into New Logo, Retained, Expansion and Services revenue


Break sales targets into New Logo, Retained, Expansion and Services revenue

Sales proforma

In an effort to help you determine sales and revenue targets that are attainable we work with you to develop a sales proforma. A sales proforma provides a forward-looking view of potential sales and revenue, serving as a planning tool for sales organizations. It is a useful document for both internal planning and goal communication with stakeholders, offering a preliminary overview of sales expectations and the factors that may effect achieving sales goals. When considered holistically, a sales proforma provides the critical decision points that make up annual sales targets and the budget to support the goal.

Elements of the proforma

Developing annual sales targets is a crucial aspect of strategic planning for a company. To set realistic and achievable sales targets, a company should consider various factors that influence its sales performance and overall business environment. Here are key factors we consider and analyze in your proforma: